Poland: Hospital Director sacked for refusing to allow an abortion

Publié le 10 Jul, 2014

The Mayor of Warsaw has just decided to sack the director of a public hospital for refusing to carry out an abortion. The mother requested an abortion because of a foetal deformity.


A spokesperson for the mayor commented as follows: “the right to information has been violated. A doctor can refuse to carry out an abortion by invoking the conscience clause but a hospital as a public establishment cannot do so“. 


In Poland, abortion is authorised in the event of rape, incest, when the mother’s life is in jeopardy or in the event of an irreversible fœtal deformity, up to twelve weeks.


Krystyna Kacpura, Director of the Federation of Women and Family Planning declared: “For movements defending women’s rights, there are no grounds to jump for joy – the decision is simply an application of the law“. 


The Archbishop of Warsaw, Monsignor Stanislas Nycs is “deeply concerned” by the sacking of the doctor, “believing this measure to be a violation of the constitutional right to freedom of conscience“.

An enquiry has been launched by the Warsaw Public Prosecutor’s Office. The lawyer has requested that damages be paid to the mother by the hospital. 

 AFP 10/07/2014 – Liberation.fr 10/07/2014 – Romandie.com 10/07/2014 – legeneraliste.fr 10/07/2014

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