United States: The House of Representatives says “no” to late-term abortions

Publié le 14 May, 2015

On Wednesday 13 May, in Washington, the House of Representatives adopted a bill seeking to ban abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy by 242 votes to 184.


Known as the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”, this law met with opposition from all but four democrats.


The republicans in favour of this legislation explained that, “This law aims to protect the unborn”. “We have a moral obligation to speak for those who cannot speak and defend the defenceless”,announced John Boehner, Republican Speaker of the House.


The bill seems to stand little chance of becoming law “due to probable opposition from the Senate and the possibility of a presidential veto”.



AFP (13/05/2015); CNN(Deirdre Walsh), 14/05/2015

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