Switzerland: heading towards a PGD referendum?

Publié le 2 Sep, 2015

In June 2015, with 62%, the Swiss nation voted in favour of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD ) (See Gènéthique 15.06.2015) et Gènéthique informs you 09.06.2015). The Swiss Evangelical Party, which spearheads the interparty committee opposing pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, was granted sufficient time to gather the 50,000 signatures needed for a national referendum on PGD legislation.  The deadline is set for 10 December 2015.


PGD legislation proposed within the framework of MAP (medically assisted procreation), as drafted since the June vote, authorises screening for Down syndrome although this is not “considered to be a hereditary disease” and other chromosomal anomalies.  Furthermore, the number of embryos “produced” per treatment cycle increases from three to twelve whereas the ban on the preservation of embryos has been lifted.  Excess embryos can be frozen and stored for ten years.

Tribune de Genève (01/09/2015)

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