A British doctor is suspended for having carried out a selective abortion

Publié le 3 Nov, 2015

In Great Britain, a British doctor has been suspended by the General Medical Council (GMC) for having authorised a gender selection abortion.

Doctor Palaniappan Rajmohan admitted that he carried out an abortion tantamount to “female infanticide”. In fact, one of his patients wanted an abortion because the child was a girl and her partner did not want a daughter.


The investigation revealed that Doctor Rajmohan had falsified the reason why the patient had undergone an abortion, noting that she was “too young for pregnancy”.


 The General Medical Council of Great Britain held that Doctor Rajmohan had lied about the reasons for carrying out the abortion and stated that he had “acted dishonestly”. The doctor was suspended with immediate effect for a period of three months.

 The GMC has also investigated another doctor, namely Doctor Prabha Sivaraman, suspected of having turned a blind eye to selective abortions.  

The Telegraph (03/11/2015)

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