The FDA suspends its authorisation of transgenic salmon

Publié le 11 Feb, 2016

Despite criticisms from consumer associations (see A transgenic salmon authorised for consumption in the United States), in November 2015, the American Health Authorities authorised the consumption of genetically modified salmon. This was the “first transgenic animal in the world to be authorised for human consumption”. However, at the end of January 2016, “the FDA[1] did an about-turn and suspended the authorisation”.


About sixty food companies “announced that they did not want to sell this transgenic salmon on their shelves”. “Over two million” consumers also sent messages against this authorisation to the FDA.


Following these reactions, the FDA has suspended its authorisation “until labelling guidelines are published to inform end consumers”. This process could “take several years”.



[1] Food and Drug Administration.

InfoGM (6/02/2016)

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