Pressure On Ireland To Legalise Abortion

Publié le 23 Jan, 2017

Abortion is illegal in Ireland except in cases where the mother’s life is in jeopardy. The eighth amendment to the Irish Constitution grants equal rights to foetus and mother. In July 2016, a draft bill legalising abortion in the case of severe foetal deformity was presented to Parliament but was turned down. In June, the NGO asked Ireland to amend its law on this issue stating “that it was subjecting women to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment”. Ireland “has not moved” but associations, led by billionaire George Soros, are not backing down. Their aim is to promote abortion and contraception. To do this, they are investigating strategies “to prevent the country (…) from setting in stone the personification of the human embryo”.


For Irish MP, Cora Sherlock, “those driving abortion in Ireland have boosted their resources in recent years. This money does not come from Irish citizens”, she stated. She is therefore asking “pro-abortion associations to clarify their relationships with foreign foundations”. According to her, “it would come as no surprise to see international pro-abortion groups imposing their agenda in Ireland. Pregnant Irish women are very safe without recourse to abortion. This annoys those in favour of abortion because it undermines their argument that abortion is all about safety for women”. She pointed out that thousands of Irish people owe their lives to the eighth amendment of the Constitution.

Aleteia, Sylvain Dorient (10/01/2016)

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