An American Company promoting surrogacy wants to extend its influence in Europe

Publié le 15 Sep, 2017

Last Tuesday, Extraordinary Conceptions, an American company based in southern California and specialising in promoting contacts with a view to surrogacy, announced its intention to set up a Spanish office in Barcelona. The reason behind this new centre is  “to respond to the increasing demand for surrogacy in Europe”.


The new centre should open its doors on 1 October 2017.


Note from Gènéthique:


The American company has already attempted to extend its influence in France through the creation of a French internet site (see: American company offers surrogacy in France: the “juriste pour l’enfance” (lawyers for children” association registers a complaint) and by holding informative meetings in several cities. This approach has fuelled reaction from several political figures (see: Surrogacy: what next?).

PR Newswire (05/09/2017)

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