Five key regulations for creating an ethical AI framework

Publié le 17 Apr, 2018

In his work, MP Cedric Villani, who must submit his report on artificial intelligence (AI) tomorrow, has encountered the Ethik-IA (AI Ethics) initiative, which “seeks to create a positive framework for the use of AI and robotics in health care”. According to the initiative, the construction of this ethical framework must be based on “five key regulations”:


  • Patient informed consent,
  • The human guarantee of artificial intelligence,
  • The scale of the regulation depending on the sensitivity of the health data,
  • Promotion of career development,
  • Independent, external supervision.


During his meeting with the MP, David Gruson, member of Ethik-IA and health chair of Sciences Po Paris, explained that “health will be a priority sector in his report. But the fundamental aspects of the report will be followed up in the États généraux de la bioéthique (Estates General on Bioethics) framework“.


For his part, Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the Comité consultatif national d’éthique (CCNE) (French National Consultative Ethics Committee) had raised the issue “of consenting to a robot” since the launch of the general bioethics framework.


Emmanuel Macron must reveal his vision “of AI in France” on 29 March, the submission date for the Villani report.

Hospimédia, Jérôme Robillard (27/03/2018)

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