France – decrease in organ transplants in 2018

Publié le 28 Jan, 2019

The number of organ transplants in France fell in 2018: 5,781 transplants were performed, taking all organs into count, compared to 6,105 and 5,891 in 2017 and 2016, respectively. This is “the first decrease after eight years of strong growth”, announced the Biomedicine Agency on Friday.


The following organs were transplanted in 2018:

  • 3,545 kidneys (3,782 in 2017)
  • 1,323 livers
  • 450 hearts
  • 372 lungs
  • 78 pancreas
  • 9 heart and lung transplants
  • 3 intestines.


The majority of organs are removed from individuals confirmed as brain dead. The number of brain-dead patients fell from 1,796 in 2017 to 1,743 in 2018. According to the agency, this is primarily due to the fact that CVA-related deaths[1] decreased by 15% in one year. “Successful medical outcomes mean that fewer organs are available for transplant”,explained Professor Yves Pérel, Deputy Director General of the Biomedicine Agency.


[1] Cerebrovascular accident, also known as stroke.

AFP (11/01/2019)

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