USA: Two states advance legislation to protect babies who survive abortion

Publié le 29 Apr, 2019

Last Monday and Tuesday, North Carolina lawmakers and then the Senate passed a bill requiring doctors and nurses to treat babies born alive after a late-term abortion like any newborn, under penalty of criminal sanctions.


A spokesman for Democratic Governor Roy Cooper criticized the measure. This raises expectations that the Governor may veto the law. Republicans, speaking in favour of the measure, said it had nothing to do with abortion and was intended to protect newborn babies.


In Texas last week, a similar bill called The Texas Born Alive Protection Act, designed to  “strengthen the protections afforded to babies who survive abortion” , was approved by a vote 93 to 1 in the House of Representatives and 21 to 10 in the Senate.

Washington Times, Emery P. Dalesio (16/04/2019)

Texas Tribune, Arya Sundaram (16/04/2019)


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