Vincent Lambert: the urgent applications judge refuses to apply the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Publié le 28 May, 2019

On Wednesday, the Paris Administrative Court rejected the urgent appeal of Vincent Lambert’s parents for a suspension of the procedure decided by Vincent’s doctor to stop their son’s care. The parents invoked “the serious and manifestly unlawful violation of the right to respect for life and the right to an effective remedy, which constitute fundamental freedoms“. The urgent applications judge did not admit any violation of a fundamental freedom “since the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which is not a national body, does not constitute a court of law“. Vincent Lambert’s lawyers denounced “a ‘coup de force’ by the state” and “a clear violation of the law“.


Vincent Lambert’s fate is henceforth in the hands of the defender of rights and the president of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, to whom the case has been referred so that “international law is respected for the benefit of Vincent Lambert“.


For further reading:

Le docteur Sanchez fixe au 20 mai le début de la mise en oeuvre de l’euthanasie de Vincent Lambert (article in French)

Vincent Lambert: cessation of care validated by the French Council of State

AFP (15/05/2019) ; Famille chrétienne, Antoine Pasquier (15/05/2019) – Affaire Vincent Lambert : « Le gouvernement ment allègrement », selon les avocats des parents


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