Egg ‘donations’ in China can be paid up to €50,000

Publié le 28 May, 2019

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, young Chinese female students who volunteer to donate their oocytes receive “payments” for “subsistence costs” that can be more than 400,000 yuan, i.e. about €50,000. The survey published yesterday by the Chinese newspaper reveals that these “volunteers” are recruited by posters displayed in universities and classified ads circulating on social networks. The criteria for calculating the transaction amount are mainly physical – measurements – and intellectual – level of study – and “eggs are generally traded at €2,500-€10,500, and much more in some cases”. These girls are “chosen like fruit on the market” a high school student – who lamented having sold her own oocytes – told international television stations in 2015.


It is very tempting for female students to use these sums “to pay for their studies,” and “the intermediaries obviously forget to mention the risks faced by young women”. Although Chinese law prohibits trade in oocytes, the criminal sanctions provided for in the 2003 decree do not seem to worry anyone and “trafficking continues”.


For further reading:

Indemnisées ou rémunérées ? Les donneuses d’ovocytes belges touchent jusqu’à 2000 € par don (article in French)

€900 compensation for purely unselfish egg donation?

Surrogacy industry in India: donors are poor and have no other way to earn money

Rfi (13/05/2019) – Chine: des étudiantes vendent leurs ovocytes pour financer leurs études

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