A successful petition obliges the Dutch Parliament to discuss NIPS (non-invasive prenatal screening)

Publié le 9 Jun, 2015

In January 2015, the Dutch NGO, DownPride, launched a petition against the routine introduction of NIPS in the Netherlands.  In fact, it was considered that NIPS should be routinely available to all pregnant women as part of the public health policy.


NIPS was introduced in the Netherlands in April 2014 as a pilot project scheduled to run until April 2016.  Shortening the period of this pilot project, the Dutch Health Minister could make a decision as early as 2015 regarding the continuation of this routine screening measure, essentially with a view to screening for Down Syndrome.


Numerous associations led by DownPride are criticising this systematic approach to screening, which stigmatises people with Down Syndrome. 

The petition launched by DownPride has collected 40,000 signatures, which confirms that this is now a citizens’ initiative that should be discussed by the Dutch Parliament.

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