Abortion: One of Us opposes the “She decides” fund

Publié le 24 Feb, 2017

When the new American President revised the “Mexico policy” stipulating that no federal financing should assist international or foreign organisations practising or promoting abortion, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Liliane Ploumen, launched a counter-initiative called “She decides”. Last week she announced that these funds would finance projects aimed at “increasing access to contraception and abortion and educating women in developing countries”. This fund is open to governments, companies or social institutions, regardless of EU membership, some of whom have already pledged their support (see “She Decides”: a conference to launch a European pro-abortion fund).


This initiative “strongly opposes the most successful European citizen’s initiative,” responded the One of Us Federation: “We are strongly opposed to the financing of abortion by the common EU budget. This issue does not fall within the European Union’s remit – national governments are solely responsible”.


Carlo Casini, Honorary President of the One of Us Federation, pointed out that “the European Court of Human Rights has never recognised the right to abortion. It has made Europe adopt a neutral stance in this regard(…). To offer money to organisations that promote propaganda and the practice of abortion across the world is synonymous with leaving that neutral zone, encouraging abortion and violating the principle of human dignity (Article. 2 of the European Union Treaty)”.


Thierry de la Villejegu, Vice-President of the said Federation, commented that “the first duty of the EU towards pregnant women” is to “allow them to give birth in dignified conditions”. He urges“European countries to develop high-quality medical care for every pregnant woman as a matter of urgency. The EU financing of promotional abortion programmes in developing countries is an act of sheer violence, a violation of the awareness of women and a violation of national sovereignty. These programmes must be condemned”. WHO data from 2012 show that 91% of maternal deaths can be avoided. “Women suffer because of the scandalous lack of efficient care during pregnancy and childbirth. 333,000 die every year (99% in developing countries)”.

Agenda Europe (10/02/2017)

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