“Baby factory” in Thailand: a doctor ready to give himself up to the police

Publié le 26 Aug, 2014

Following the scandal triggered by the abandonment of Gammy – a baby with Down syndrome and born through surrogacy, a number of events have unfurled.(Gènéthique press review on August 4th, 2014) in Thailand, a series of events have unfurled


In fact, Reuters’ Press Agency reported on 25 August that a Thai doctor responsible for carrying out numerous in-vitro (IVF) procedures on surrogate mothers involved in the surrogacy market – also known as the “baby factory” claimed he was ready to give himself up to police. According to Reuters, the doctor has until 6 September to surrender voluntarily. After this deadline, a warrant will be issued for his arrest.


Within this “baby factory” context, the doctor allegedly performed five IVF procedures on five women, all of whom were linked with the same Japanese man believed to have fathered 12 babies with Thai surrogate mothers(Cf Synthèse de presse Gènéthique du 18 août 2014). This doctor is therefore accused of practising unauthorised surrogacy and of having breached the code of the Thai Medical Association which prohibits the marketing of this practice. He could be sentenced to up to three years in prison.


Just to remind you, the Japanese “father” of 12 babies was found following a raid carried out by the Thai authorities. The man in question quickly fled the country. He has not been found guilty but an enquiry is underway to establish what led him to get involved in such practices.

Independant.ie 25/08/2014

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