Bio-printing – a new communication tool between patients and medical personnel

Publié le 7 Jul, 2014

A study conducted by the Urology Department at the Tulane University School of Medicine (New Orleans, United States), published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (the public centre for information on molecular biology), is another example of how bioprinting has “penetrated the medical world”


The study was carried out on five patients. It involved the 3D reconstitution of patients’ kidneys in order to facilitate communication between patients and the medical teams. In fact, cumulative production provides a “better physical view of the organs” and helps to “understand, identify, locate and remove suspect renal masses”, as reported by Jonathan Silberstein, Deputy Professor of Urology.


This is confirmed by the outcome of the study. Patients and their families “have verbally expressed an improvement in their understanding and particularly in the issues associated with locating tumours whilst enhancing the visibility of the scheduled surgical procedure”. Similarly, this process has proved beneficial for urology department trainees as they “have demonstrated a clearer understanding of the nature of the tumour during discussions with surgeons”.


Therefore, bioprinting seems to provide a strategy for improved diagnosis, enhanced student learning and better communication between patients and the medical profession. And the therapeutic outcome? (Lock) 08/07/2014 

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