Call from British religious leaders to oppose draft law on medically assisted dying

Publié le 7 Sep, 2015

The draft law on medically assisted dying, which is about to be presented to the British Parliament, has triggered reactions from the country’s main religious leaders. Representatives of the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh communities in Great Britain have sent an open letter to MPs, calling on them to reject the draft law, which will be debated on Friday.


The draft project, which will be submitted to the House of Commons, plans to allow patients with no more than six months to live, to receive a fatal dose of medicinal products, which they have to administer themselves.


As far as the religious representatives are concerned, “This would be a change of monumental proportions both in the law and in the role of doctors”. They added that “respect for the life of others, which is at the heart [of the]criminal justice system and [] laws governing human rights should not be changed”.

La Croix (06/09/2015), The Guardian (05/09/2015)

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