Canada: warnings given by the FDA do not stem the interest of private individuals in genetic testing

Publié le 1 Oct, 2014

The American company, 23andMe, which sells genetic tests to private individuals on the Internet, has relocated to Canada.


The saliva tests to be returned to the company by consumers in order to obtain information on their family tree and predisposition to disease were banned in the United States  (Gènéthique press review on November 29th, 2014) by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). In fact, the American authorities deemed that the company 23andMe had not provided any proof of the safety and efficacy of the tests on sale. Furthermore, the uncertainty of the results prompted the pointless intervention in the medical domain of consumers using these tests.


23andMe clearly states that the tests have not been authorised by the FDA and therefore only Canadian residents can purchase them. Apparently, 20,000 Canadians have already signed up. 01/10/2014

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