Europe: the conflict of interest regarding surrogacy issues is not upheld against Petra De Sutter

Publié le 27 Jan, 2016

The Council of Europe Social Affairs Committee voted yesterday following the debate fuelled by Members of the European Parliament who challenged the role of rapporteur granted to Belgian MP, De Sutter, a transsexual gynaecologist practising surrogacy, further to the report on “human rights and ethical questions pertaining to surrogacy”(cf. Gènéthique du 24 novembre 2015).


A “potential conflict of interest” was not upheld by the Committee by 21 votes to 17.


For some, this “outrageous” decision will “seriously damage the credibility of the report if adopted”.


Tomorrow, the Committee will decide whether or not to adopt Dr. De Sutter’s report.


FAFCE (27/01/2016), Agenda Europe (27/01/2016)

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