“Every minute we spent together was worth the pain” – poignant letter from a mother to her baby who died two days after birth

Publié le 12 Nov, 2018

His parents knew that Ismaël would not live but they allowed the pregnancy to go full-term, to welcome their baby into the world. Born on 8 December, his fragile life lasted all of 48 hours. He died in his mother’s arms. She has written him a poignant letter: “I loved you from the start. I didn’t think about what would happen. I was beside you every step of the way although I knew that losing you would hurt me. The pain and emptiness in my heart are immense. But I would willingly do the same thing all over again just to know you, to love you, to wait for you and to hold you in my arms. When I picked you up, you opened your little eyes, you looked at me and you showed me that every minute we spent together was worth the pain. I feel like a mother who had the greatest gift in the world to have a son like you. You will live on in our hearts forever”.

Aleteia (23/10/2018)

Photo: Pixabay DR

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