Human Brain Project: experts beg for the reintegration of neurosciences

Publié le 17 Sep, 2014

Following the request by scientists for the European Commission to review its position regarding the strategy and management of the scientific programme, the Human Brain Project (Gènéthique press review on July 9th, 2014), the latter has just appointed a mediator and commissioned a group of experts to facilitate the situation.


The group of experts appointed by the Commission recommended the reintegration of neurosciences in the European Human Brain Projet (HBP). This project had, in fact, been accused of being “too narrowly focused on brain simulation” as some cognitive neuroscience projects had been linked with Partnering Projects (PP), which could no longer claim financial support from the Union. According to the experts, the HBP should therefore refocus on its initial objectives.


More widely, the group of experts “was commissioned to assess the partnership agreement between the HBP and the European Commission. This is a necessary condition to ensure that the European Union releases the necessary funding, as indicated within the scope of the ‘Horizon 2020’ scientific programme”.


It should be remembered that the HBP is managed by the Ecole polytechnique fédérale (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Lausanne. It is the European Union’s leading project in its “conquering the brain” mission in response to the United States.

Tribune de Genève 17/09/2014

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