In Scotland, a campaign against extending the length of time to carry out an abortion

Publié le 3 Jan, 2016

In Scotland, a campaign against extending the abortion legal time limit has been launched by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC). The campaign entitled, Don’t Stop a Beating Heart (DSABH) has been initiated whereas the United Kingdom is ready to delegate abortion laws to the Scottish Parliament.


 Although the Scottish Government explained that it does not intend to modify these laws, the association is afraid that the abortion legal time limit, currently set at 24 weeks, would be extended to the entire pregnancy. For John Deighan, campaign co-ordinator, “the rights of the foetus are facing new threats”.


The campaign is supported by groups such as the Muslim Council of Scotland, the Free Church of Scotland and the Catholic Church of Scotland.


Daily Record (03/01/2015)

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