In Vietnam, a man adopts more than a hundred “unwanted” children

Publié le 6 Jul, 2016

In Vietnam, Tong Phuc, a single mason has become a real hero, saving the lives of tens of babies.


It all started in 2001. When his wife was in labour in hospital, Tong Phuc noticed that lots of women came into the delivery suite but left without their babies. Initially surprised, he understood the extent of the drastic situation when he saw doctors disposing of foetuses in rubbish bins. Tong Phuc requested authorisation to remove the bodies. Using all of his savings, he purchased land to bury the remains of these aborted foetuses and nowadays over 10,000 babies “rest in peace in this fallow field”.


Gradually, the mothers who had undergone abortions, started to visit the cemetery to pray for their children.

A true hero, Tong Phuc also opened the door of his own home to pregnant women in need of assistance. When they were on the point of having an abortion, he offered to adopt their child. Some go back to reclaim their children once their lifestyle has improved.


Phuc explained that it was very difficult at the outset. There was no food, clothing or anything to help these pregnant women. But his words did not fall on deaf ears. Support came from his neighbours who were touched by what he was doing. Phuc was also congratulated by the President of Vietnam but did not receive any financial backing.


Tong Phuc has adopted over one hundred babies to date. Although he is tired, he cannot see himself stopping, “I will continue this work up until I take my last breath. And I will always encourage my children to help those less fortunate”

Aleteia (07/07/2016) Cet homme est le père de plus de 100 enfants ! – Vidéo RT (7/12/2008)

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