Ireland: towards paid abortion leave?

Publié le 18 Mar, 2019

An Irish MP is calling for full pay for women off work to have an abortion. Most of these women go on sick leave to have their abortions, which is not always paid and “could be a major deterrent to staying on leave, especially for women on the lowest salaries,” explained the MP.


The proposal by Thomas Pringle, MP for Donegal, is to extend the system set up for pregnant women so that it includes abortions. Pregnant women can have pregnancy consultations during their work time without any impact on their salary. “The existing system of pregnancy and maternity protection could be extended so that women considering an abortion are granted leave”.


This system would entail employers knowing about their employees’ pregnancies and abortions., Anne-Marie Walsh (02/03/2019) – Give full pay to women who take time off work for abortion – TD

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