Mississippi: the ban on abortion after 15 weeks is unconstitutional according to federal judge

Publié le 10 Dec, 2018

Abortion will no longer be banned after 15 weeks in Mississippi. The law was revoked on Tuesday by a federal judge. He held that such a law “unequivocally” violated the constitutional rights of women.


This law was adopted in March 2018 (see Mississippi governor signs bill banning abortions after 15 weeks). The Jackson Women’s Health Organisation, the only abortion clinic in the state, immediately contested this law on the grounds of violating the constitution and it was blocked temporarily (see New Mississippi law limiting abortion blocked by judge for 10 days).


This decision also affects Louisiana. A similar bill was pending approval—a bill “that should only take effect if a federal law upholds the Mississippi law”. The measure will be invalidated.

Reuters, Joseph Ax (21/11/2018)

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