Morocco: Heading towards an abortion reform?

Publié le 12 Mar, 2015

A national meeting on abortion was held in Morocco on 11 March.


On this occasion, Moroccan Health Minister, El Houssine Louardi, commented on the current abortion law, referring to it as “restrictive, unfair, obsolete” and “not taking into account the reality of Moroccan life“.


The Health Minister called for a revision of the current law to combat clandestine, non-medical abortions. The government is resolved to authorise abortion in the following cases, namely “incest, rape, in young, mentally retarded girls and in the case of significant foetal malformations“.


The reform under consideration will develop in three key directions: prevention “through the sexual education of young people“, “granting women and young girls subject to clandestine abortions access to the country’s health institutions in order to treat complications“, and “revision of the law taking the country’s specific social, cultural and religious features into account“.

Aujourd’hui (Sara El Majhad), 12/03/2015, PanoraPost 12/03/2015


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