“Nanobionic spinach” to detect pollution and explosives

Publié le 9 Dec, 2016

Scientists at MIT have incorporated sensors in “carbon nanotubes” and placed them in spinach leaves enabling the plant to detect a wide range of molecules. These “nanobionic spinach” have detected explosives in subterranean waters, “hydrogen peroxide”, sarin gas and even “trinitrotoluene” – a type of explosive.

Spinach fitted with sensors [1] could therefore be used to reveal numerous pollutants and trace elements. The plants could also be used to locate dryness and several changes in soil properties.


This is a first step towards digitising plant information. The ultimate aim is to improve our knowledge of environmental sciences, agriculture and health.


[1] The spinach is not edible!

Paris Singularity (Loïc Bardon) 24/11/2016

Photo : Pixabay, DR.

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