Planned Parenthood scandal: scandal followed by isolation

Publié le 18 Aug, 2015

Ever since the Center for Medical Progress revealed the trafficking of human organs taken from aborted foetuses by the American Family Planning Association, the latter has been abandoned by some of its most influential partners.


Recently, the StemExpress Company, which received foetal tissue from the Family Planning Association, cut ties with the institution.  According to the European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ) website, “The distance taken by StemExpress, one of the Family Planning Association’s closest partners, shows that even those in favour of using the body parts of aborted foetuses recognise that something shady is going on at the association and practices are most probably illegal”.


 Coca Cola, Xerox and Ford, who, up until now, have sponsored the American Family Planning Association, are also keeping their distance.

Some States are in the process of stopping subsidies to the Family Planning Association. According to the ECLJ, “At a time when even its closest associates are turning their backs on family planning, it’s high time that Washington faced reality (…) and stopped pouring hundreds of millions dollars in tax revenue into financing these frightening practices”.

European Center for Law and Justice (Palmer Williams) 18/08/2015

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