Portugal overrides the presidential veto and authorises surrogacy

Publié le 20 Jul, 2016

On Wednesday, the Portuguese Parliament adopted an amended version of the law authorising surrogacy, which was already voted on in May but blocked by Presidential veto (see  MAP (medically assisted procreation, surrogacy: Portugal opens its doors, Portugal: a Presidential veto against surrogacy). It was approved by a small majority, uniting the votes from the left, the Socialist party, the Greens and 20 Social Democrat MPs. Head of State Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will soon enact the new draft law.


The amendments introduced concern “guarantees aimed at protecting the rights of the surrogate mother and unborn child”: the parties concerned must now sign a contract “which specifies in particular the steps to be taken in the event of foetal deformity or abortion”.

AFP (20/07/2016)

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