Portuguese MPs ignore the presidential veto and vote in favour of adoption by homosexual couples

Publié le 10 Feb, 2016

“On Wednesday”, the Portuguese Parliament “confirmed the unanimous decision of MPs to authorise adoption by homosexual couples”. The law, which had its first reading on 18 December, was approved by all left parties and about twenty MPs from the right opposition parties but President Anibal Cavaco Silva vetoed the decision in January (see Portugal: The President vetoes adoption by homosexual couples). The MPs’ absolute majority “can overturn the presidential veto”. From this point onwards and despite his disapproval, the President will “therefore be obliged to enact” this law a few weeks from the end of his term of office on 9 March 2016.


Furthermore, Anibal Cavaco Silva vetoed a series of amendments to the law surrounding abortion, making a few restrictions. Once again, the Portuguese MPs “ decided to ignore the presidential veto on Wednesday”.


Anibal Cavaco Silva avait par ailleurs apposé son veto sur une série d’amendements à la loi sur l’IVG, y apportant quelques restrictions. Les députés portugais ont là encore « décidé mercredi de passer outre le veto présidentiel ».

AFP (11/02/2016)

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