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Medical abortion: medical staff affected

Medical abortion: medical staff affected

Medical abortion is a "complex situation for parents and medical staff alike". Drawing attention to this fact, obstetric personnel are calling for specific "support".   They describe the reality of a medical abortion: explanations regarding the abortion per se,...

Gene therapy more effective than CRISPR ?

Gene therapy more effective than CRISPR ?

A team of American scientists led by Peter Glazer, Department of Genetics, Yale University (New Haven, United States), has developed "unparalleled" gene therapy to treat a blood disease in vivo. The Nature Communication journal published the results and reported on...

One baby, three DNAs, 2 transgressions

One baby, three DNAs, 2 transgressions

Yesterday, in Great-Britain, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority approved the law authorizing three-parent IVF to prevent the transmission of mitochondrial diseases. Jean-Marie Le Méné, President of the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, answered the questions of...

Three-parent IVF attempts authorized in the UK

Three-parent IVF attempts authorized in the UK

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, an independent structure of the British Health Ministry has validated the 2005 law authorizing the creation of embryos using a three-parent IVF technique. The United Kingdom is the first country to legalise clinical...