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A connected bracelet to measure fertility

A connected bracelet to measure fertility

Zurich Company, Ava[1], has developed a "fertility bracelet" to "enable women who wish to become pregnant to monitor their menstrual cycles and fertility". This bracelet is connected to an app which collects "millions of data during sleep, e.g. breathing, quality of...

CRISPR: The first patient treated in China

CRISPR: The first patient treated in China

A Chinese team led by oncologist Lu You at the University of Sichuan, injected a lung cancer patient with genetically modified cells using the CRISPR-Cas9 technique for the first time at the end of October.    This clinical trial was approved by an Ethics...

Promises associated with iPS cells

Promises associated with iPS cells

In Japan, thanks to IPS cells, scientists at the Riken Brain Science Institute have identified a new mutation in neural cells responsible for schizophrenia. They then validated their observations in vivo. Induced pluripotent stem cells were used here to model the...

Assisted dying in Quebec: doctors object

Assisted dying in Quebec: doctors object

In Quebec, the results of an initial qualitative study carried out in two palliative care units between January and August 2016, show that "grey areas certainly exist when it comes to assessing assisted dying requests".   Doctors have expressed how uneasy they...