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An international UN tax to finance abortion?

An international UN tax to finance abortion?

Financing of the UN and its satellite organisations is guaranteed by voluntary contributions from Member States. This fund is monitored to ensure transparency and accountability. “Senior UN officials and others want the United Nations to have its own budget and own...

IVF increases the risk of ovarian cancer

IVF increases the risk of ovarian cancer

In late October 2015, a British study conducted by Professor Alastair Sutcliffe and a team of scientists at University College Hospital London, confirmed the role of in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) in the increased risk of ovarian cancer in sterile women.   A...

European uprising against surrogacy

European uprising against surrogacy

A few days away from the vote on the draft bill relating to the surrogacy report and resolution by the Commission, social questions are raised by the Council of Europe and the No Maternity Traffic Collective, the FAFCE[1] and ECLJ[2] take a stance to oppose it.  ...

One of us: The European Federation for Life

One of us: The European Federation for Life

Four years after the launch of the European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) One of Us, with its two million signatures, which were overlooked by the European Commission in May 2014, “approximately thirty movements in sixteen countries are joining forces to become a major...