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Ireland: towards paid abortion leave?

Ireland: towards paid abortion leave?

An Irish MP is calling for full pay for women off work to have an abortion. Most of these women go on sick leave to have their abortions, which is not always paid and "could be a major deterrent to staying on leave, especially for women on the lowest salaries,"...

The human body subject to market laws?

The human body subject to market laws?

Asked about feminism, the philosopher Sylviane Agacinski believes that "the most frightening thing today is the grip that the economy is exerting over all individuals — not just women — in the name of growth, competitiveness and the endless race for profit. Every...

Belgium: 2,537 cases of euthanasia in 2018

Belgium: 2,537 cases of euthanasia in 2018

In 2018, 2,357 cases of euthanasia were reported in Belgium, representing 2% of annual deaths and an increase of 1.8% compared to 2017. The majority involved patients 60 to 89 years of age, more often women than men, and most took place at home (61.1%). The main...