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“Designer babies” between now and 2030?

“Designer babies” between now and 2030?

Laurent Alexandre, President of DNAVision, highlights what the handling of human embryo DNA could trigger.  In fact, the Hinxton group recently submitted an appeal to obtain authorisation to modify embryo DNA. From April 2015 onwards, Chinese scientists have been...

The legal status on embryos in Europe

The legal status on embryos in Europe

Carine Brochier from the European Bioethics Institute (EBI) takes stock of current embryo status in Europe.    She refers to the recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): Parillo versus Italy, according to which an embryo cannot be...

The United Kingdom rejects assisted suicide

The United Kingdom rejects assisted suicide

On Friday, 11 September 2015, by 330 votes to 118, British MPs rejecteda draft law authorising patients with a life expectancy of no more than six months to take their own life.   This draft legislation authorising assisted suicide triggered opposition from...