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Spain limits abortion for minors

Spain limits abortion for minors

On Wednesday, 9 September 2015, the Spanish Senate approved the final version of the reform of the abortion law, initiated by Mariano Rajoy in 2013(cf. Synthèse de presse Gènéthique des 3 septembre 2013, 24 mars 2015 et du 15 avril 2015).    The reform was...

Belgium: The disturbing “end-of-life” card

Belgium: The disturbing “end-of-life” card

In Belgium, the European Bioethics Institute (EBI), which launched an “end-of-life dignity card” in 2008, is nowadays proposing an “end-of-life” card, which has sparked fierce opposition from euthanasia supporters.   This is especially true because this card,...

CRISPR/Cas9: New calls for ethical regulations

CRISPR/Cas9: New calls for ethical regulations

The emergence of the new CRISPR-Cas9 technology, which allows all types of genes to be edited, including those present in human embryos, is triggering a new wave of debates.  Following the concerns voiced by various American and French scientists, (See Gènéthique...