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Nepal temporarily suspends surrogacy

Nepal temporarily suspends surrogacy

Following the recent decision by India and Thailand to strictly limit access to surrogacy, Nepal has become thefavourite destination for families seeking to have children.  According to a spokesperson from the Nepalese Supreme Court, “There is currently no...

Switzerland: heading towards a PGD referendum?

Switzerland: heading towards a PGD referendum?

In June 2015, with 62%, the Swiss nation voted in favour of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD ) (See Gènéthique 15.06.2015) et Gènéthique informs you 09.06.2015). The Swiss Evangelical Party, which spearheads the interparty committee opposing pre-implantation...

A campaign to boost sperm donation in England

A campaign to boost sperm donation in England

Laura Witjens, Director of the British National Sperm Bank “has announced” that, a year after it was established, this bank[1]has only“nine registered donors”. To resolve this shortage, she has been inspired by Denmark’s recent campaign for “fruitful” donors.The...