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A hybrid nerve cell to treat nerve lesions

A hybrid nerve cell to treat nerve lesions

Researchers at Osaka University Hospital have succeeded in developing a hybrid nerve cell, which could lead to "less invasive" treatment than the methods currently intended to repair nerve lesions.   The team has developed a hybrid cell in mice combining IPS...

21 March: World Down Syndrome Day

21 March: World Down Syndrome Day

As  World Down Syndrome Day approaches, questions relating to the incorporation of people with Down Syndrome into society have once again come to the fore.   In a paper entitled "Grand angle", the AFP raises the question of ageing for people with Down...

Iowa: Dissuasive measures against abortion.

Iowa: Dissuasive measures against abortion.

On Monday, 16 March, the Iowa Chamber adopted a draft law obliging doctors to routinely offer women wishing to have an abortion the chance to see an ultrasound scan of their child and to hear the baby’s heartbeat.   “This gives a woman the opportunity to be fully...