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Morocco: Heading towards an abortion reform?

Morocco: Heading towards an abortion reform?

A national meeting on abortion was held in Morocco on 11 March.   On this occasion, Moroccan Health Minister, El Houssine Louardi, commented on the current abortion law, referring to it as "restrictive, unfair, obsolete" and "not taking into account the reality...

The Belgian Senate tackles surrogacy

The Belgian Senate tackles surrogacy

In Belgium, surrogacy is tolerated and "has been openly practised for approximately twenty years" by three procreation centres. The majority of Belgian MPs agree on the need to "incorporate what already exists". The "creation of a legal joint parenting scheme" will be...

Pope Francis pleads for palliative care

Pope Francis pleads for palliative care

Before the 21st plenary assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, held at the Vatican from 5 to 7 March and focusing on "Assistance for the elderly and palliative care", Pope Francis reminded members that "palliative care is the properly human attitude of taking...