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Argentina: Abortion hotly debated once again

Argentina: Abortion hotly debated once again

In Argentina where abortion is only authorised following rape or if the mother’s life is in danger, the debate on authorising abortion up to the twelfth week of pregnancy will begin on Tuesday in Parliament. This is the fifth time that this kind of draft law has been...

Will the 21st century focus on the brain?

Will the 21st century focus on the brain?

La Croix devotes its Sciences et éthique (Science and Ethics) dossier to the human brain. It is providing the daily newspaper with an opportunity to focus on recent brain-related discoveries, the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders and the European...

Google upsets the nanodiagnostics schedule

Google upsets the nanodiagnostics schedule

Once again, Google has ranked itself as a world leader in the neuro business. Its laboratory, Google X, specialising in the investigation of potentially revolutionary technologies, has just announced the development of nanoparticles used to detect the early...