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“Making children tomorrow”

“Making children tomorrow”

according to Jacques Testart, pioneer of the MAP1   Jacques Testart, "scientific father" of the first test-tube baby in 1982, warns about the eugenics drifts of the pre-implantation diagnosis (PID). His last book "Faire des enfants demain" prevents the...

Europe and France, turmoil around euthanasia

Europe and France, turmoil around euthanasia

On 25th January 2012, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), adopted the Resolution 1859 (2012) “Protecting human rights and dignity by taking into account previously expressed wishes of patients”. This Resolution defines the applicable...

The extension of VTP marks the man rejection

The extension of VTP marks the man rejection

On Tuesday 28th January, French MPs voted, in first reading, with 359 votes against 24, the bill for equality between women and men. This way they  endorse two controversial provisions: the suppression of the concept of distress to access to abortion, and...