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The mental consequences of abortion revealed

The mental consequences of abortion revealed

On 13th September 2013, the Haut Conseil à l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes (HCEfh) (Council for equality between men and women) delivered a report to the Minister N.Vallaud-Belkacem, calling for the creation of institutional tools (Website “in favour to the...

France authorizes the research on human embryo

France authorizes the research on human embryo

In At 4:45 pm on Thursday 16 July 2013, French Parliament adopted the authorization of the research on the embryo with 314 votes against 223. In the middle of the summer, a legal and ethical turmoil is enshrined in the French law whereas the botched debate has been...

Bioethics crisis: Interview of Henri Hude

Bioethics crisis: Interview of Henri Hude

On the bioethics challenges, the news, the point of view of decision makers, institutional investors and policy makers reveal a libertarian thought and the cult of the transgression. In France, 2013 started off very strongly: reimbursement at 100% for the voluntary...

Research on the embryo: 10 reasons to say no

Research on the embryo: 10 reasons to say no

On 28th March MPs will debate about the bill lifting the ban on the research on the human embryo. But this bill includes a legal and ethical revolution without scientific basis. For the citizens who have been deprived of a debate on the question, here are the ten main...

“The scandal of laboratory embryos”

“The scandal of laboratory embryos”

The same day of the examination by the National Assembly of the bill authorizing the research on human embryonic stem cells, Jean-Marie Le Méné, chairman of Fondation Lejeune, published a column in La Croix (1), reported below.   Contrary to what ones thinks, the...