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Contraception and abortion: a same logic

Contraception and abortion: a same logic

A study by the INPES (National Institute for Health Prevention and Education) published in 2007, and called "Les Français et la contraception" (French People and contraception) highlighted the "French paradox": despite the highest rate of contraception use in Europe,...

The issue of frozen embryos

The issue of frozen embryos

In its 2007 Statement, the French Biomedicine Agency estimates at 176,523 the number of frozen embryos in France for 49,618 couples (at 31st December 2006)1. At this date, only 52.8% of these embryos were subject to "parental project", or in other words had already a...

Genetic modification of a blood group

Genetic modification of a blood group

French researchers (French Blood Agency, EDS, CNRS, and University of Mediterranée) succeeded, by gene transfer, in modifying genetically a blood group (the Kidd/JK group). To do so, they used cord blood stem cells cultivated in vitro until obtaining erythrocytes....

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) challenged

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) challenged

More than thirty years after the birth of Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby, studies warn against the risks of in vitro fertilisation (IVF).   Medical risks   The implantation of several embryos generates a high rate of multiple pregnancies with all the...

About umbilical cord and placenta

About umbilical cord and placenta

The preservation and collection of cord and placenta are again encouraged: The French National Academy of Medicine adopted on 26th January 2010 a report on cord mesenchymatous stem cells (MSC) and on 19th February 2010 Marie-Thérèse Hermange submitted to the Senate a...

The figures of early pregnancies

The figures of early pregnancies

Sexuality of minors   The story of Alfie Patten, this young English boy which became father at 13 years old on last 9th February, reopened the debate about the sexuality of minors. In 2007, England and Wales counted 8,196 teenagers under 16 pregnant. The...

About non-heart-beating organ transplantation

About non-heart-beating organ transplantation

Since October 2006, the Agency of Biomedicine experiments, with discretion and in nine hospitals (in Angers, Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Nancy, Strasbourg and the Saint-Louis, Pitié-Salpêtrière and Bicêtre Hospitals in Paris), the organ transplantation on cardiac...