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Pre-implantation diagnosis and predispositions

Pre-implantation diagnosis and predispositions

On last 9th January, the first British baby selected by pre-implantation diagnosis (PID) for breast cancer predisposition was born. Its mother, 27 years old, decided to resort to PID so that her child does not carry BRCA1 gene which could have increased by 50% to 80%...

Jane Roe’s case, story of a manipulation

Jane Roe’s case, story of a manipulation

An outstanding book, "L’affaire Jane Roe, histoire d’une manipulation" 1, tells the story of how a women who was, in spite of herself, at the origin of the abortion in USA, became one of the most famous representative of pro-life.   The Roe vs. Wade judgment...

Euthanasia in Luxembourg

Euthanasia in Luxembourg

On 2nd December 2008, the Grand-Duke of Luxembourg announced that he will not promulgate law legalising euthanasia.   Legislative process   Introduced in 2001, this bill aiming at decriminalising euthanasia in Luxembourg was adopted, a first time, by the...

The OPECST report on the law of bioethics

The OPECST report on the law of bioethics

The report of the Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technological Assessment (OPECST) written by the deputies Jean-Sébastien Vialatte (UMP) and Alain Claeys (PS) is aimed to make the Members of Parliament think about the challenges of the revision of the law of...

CCNE: questioning about Convention of bioethics

CCNE: questioning about Convention of bioethics

Alors que le débat sur la fin de vie est relancé en France, Mgr Jacques Suaudeau, membre de l’Académie pontificale pour la Vie, a accordé à Zenit un long entretien sur l’euthanasie.   Définition de l’euthanasie   Forgé au XVIIème siècle par Francis Bacon, le...