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Laws of Bioethics: which revision for 2009?

Laws of Bioethics: which revision for 2009?

The laws of bioethics voted in 1994 and revised in 2004 will be subject to new discussion in 2009. What are the current thoughts and the foreseeable evolutions?   Framework law   During the day of public hearings, organised the 29th November 2007 in the...

Dismissed request for euthanasia

Dismissed request for euthanasia

Supported by the Association for the right to die with dignity (ADMD), Chantal Sébire, a 52-year-old patient with esthesioneuroblastoma (progressive and incurable tumour of sinus and nasal cavity) asked the justice, on 12th March, to be able "to benefit from a...

What is euthanasia?

What is euthanasia?

Whereas the debate on the end of life is relaunched in France, Mgr Jacques Suaudeau, member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, granted Zenit a long interview about euthanasia.   Definition of euthanasia   Forged in the 18th century by Francis Bacon, the...

Congress on embryonic stem cells

Congress on embryonic stem cells

From 31st January to 2nd February 2008, the first international congress about human embryonic stem cells took place at the Genopole of Evry. This congress was sponsored by the Genopole of Évry, the national institute for health and medical research (INSERM), the...

Reprogramming adult stem cells

Reprogramming adult stem cells

Reprogramming technique   The "reprogramming" technique initially developed by Shinya Yamanaka, and then corroborated by Rudolf Jaenisch and James Thomson (see. Gènéthique No 96) is really interesting. Having said this, it deals with a research which does no...