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Surrogacy in Canada: Quebec firmly opposed

Surrogacy in Canada: Quebec firmly opposed

"The government of Quebec is vigorously opposed to any legislation that would open the door to commodifying women’s bodies", the Minister of Justice said in a statement to the media, responding to Canada’s proposed legislation on surrogacy[1]. Bill C-404, introduced...

Irish referendum: abortion decriminalised

Irish referendum: abortion decriminalised

The Yes vote won the referendum on whether abortion should be decriminalised in Ireland. With a turnout rate of 64.13%, 66.4% voted Yes, 33.6% voted No.   Support was strongest in Dublin Bay South, with 78.49% in favour; Donegal was the only constituency to vote...

Portugal’s Parliament rejects euthanasia

Portugal’s Parliament rejects euthanasia

The bill that would have legalised euthanasia in Portugal was rejected Tuesday evening, with 110 votes in favour, 115 against, and only four abstentions. The vote took place after a "heated debate".   The bill was drafted by the ruling Socialists and envisaged...