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Russia : No Abortion on 28 december

Russia : No Abortion on 28 december

In Russia, the region of Yaroslavl banned abortions on 28 December, Feast of the Holy Innocents. Local religious leaders asked for the biblical account of the massacre of the Innocents to be commemorated. This "abortion-free day" was supported by the region's...

Pressure On Ireland To Legalise Abortion

Pressure On Ireland To Legalise Abortion

Abortion is illegal in Ireland except in cases where the mother's life is in jeopardy. The eighth amendment to the Irish Constitution grants equal rights to foetus and mother. In July 2016, a draft bill legalising abortion in the case of severe foetal deformity was...

Belgium : The Cost Of NIPS Is Lowered

Belgium : The Cost Of NIPS Is Lowered

Since 1 December, the cost of Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS) for Down syndrome has been reduced by €100 Euros, falling from €390 to €290.   This decision was taken by eight of the country's gene centres carrying out NIPS, in an attempt to make the...

Kentucky limits abortion

Kentucky limits abortion

On Monday, Kentucky Governor, Matt Bevin, signed two draft bills limiting abortion in his State. The urgency surrounding these draft bills suggests their immediate implementation.   The first bill requires doctors to carry out an ultrasound scan prior to...