Surrogacy: In Tailand, a surrogate mother refuses to allow her baby to leave the country

Publié le 27 Jul, 2015

In Thailand, a homosexual couple, American Gordon Lake and Spaniard, Manuel Valero, employed the services of a surrogate mother who gave birth to a baby daughter, Carmen. However, they could not leave the country with the baby without the authorisation of the surrogate mother, who refused to sign the papers. She said she was “worried for the baby, her future and the fact that she may become a victim of human trafficking”.


The two men who live in Valencia and who already have a son born through surrogacy in India, announced on Monday that they would not leave Thailand without Carmen.


In February, following several scandals, a law was passed in Thailand, preventing foreigners from calling on surrogate mothers of Thai origin. The first of these scandals erupted after a child with Down Syndrome was abandoned by an Australian couple who kept his twin sister who did not have this condition.

20 minutes (28/07/2015)

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