Texas wants to introduce routine funerals following an abortion or miscarriage in hospital

Publié le 9 Dec, 2016

The Republican State of Texas wants to make women who have an abortion or miscarriage at hospital bury the foetus, regardless of the stage of pregnancy. The measure should become effective before the end of this year if there is no legal opposition.


Since 2011, the State of Texas has approved a series of laws aimed at limiting recourse to abortion and the number of clinics offering abortion has substantially decreased.

In an article on the Salon website, Alexa Ura, a journalist with the Texas Tribune, explains this decision: “The State prohibits hospitals, clinics that practice abortions and other health establishments from disposing of foetal remains in sanitary waste by authorising only the cremation or burial of all remains”.


Thus even if “the embryo is so small that it is invisible, the doctor or health professional should always treat it as though it is a deceased person and offer some form of burial or cremation”.

20Minutes 01/12/2016

Photo : Pixabay, DR.

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