The European Parliament adopts the Panzeri report: an article that wishes to incorporate an “inalienable right” to abortion

Publié le 12 Mar, 2015

On Wednesday, 11 March, the European Parliament adopted the Panzeri report, the 2013 annual report on ” Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter“. This report includes a paragraph that seeks to promote abortion as a “fundamental right”. The resolution “deplores the fact the bodies of women and girls, especially in connection with their sexual and reproductive health and the attendant rights, are still an ideological battlefield and asks the Union and its Member States to acknowledge the inalienable rights of women and girls to physical integrity and independent decision-making, not least the right to have access to voluntary family planning and safe, lawful abortion”.


Similar to the Tarabella report , “the Panzeri report violates the principle of subsidiarity”. “Europe does not need less subsidiarity but more respect for national legislation.  Europe does not need abortions but more support for mothers and real relationship and sex education,” declared Maria Hildingsson, General Secretary of FAFCE[1] .


[1] Federation of Family Catholic Associations in Europe

Catholic news agency, 13/03/2015 – Communiqué de presse FAFCE 13/03/2015


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